7 Essential Nutritional Tips for Volleyball Players

The right nutrition plays a big part in athletes performing at their best and is just as important as practicing skills and fitness training. Volleyball players should pay close attention to nutrition and make sure they eat the right foods at the right time, especially when it comes to taking part in championships. Sports nutrition specialists have studied the effects of nutrition on the bodies of athletes and have honed their knowledge and expertise into a fine art to help sports enthusiasts reach their goals. Below are 7 tips on how volleyball players can improve their game by improving their diets.

1. Eat Variety of Foods

Eat a variety of foods from the 5 key groups to include all the vitamins and minerals your body cells need to allow your muscles to perform the work required of them. A comprehensive diet for volleyball players should include foods like vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products, whole grains, and plenty of pure, fresh water. These are all the elements that are essential for the cells to perform at an optimum level.

2. Eat Small Meals Throughout the Day

The body of a physically active volleyball player needs fuel all day and it is best to eat small meals every three to four hours. Every time you eat you supply the body with nutrients that provide energy for the muscles to perform and glucose for the brain to think. A common problem for players is fatigue from going too long without eating between meals, depriving the body of much needed sustenance and the resultant energy it needs to perform well.

3. Don’t Skip Breakfast

Eat immediately after getting up in the morning and never skip breakfast. A lot of students skip breakfast or delay eating for lack of time in the morning. This is a very bad habit for anyone, but particularly so for volleyball players. Every day you build on the foundation you created the day before and eating first thing in the morning helps to bring your energy levels back up to optimal levels after a night of fasting. Skipping breakfast means that your energy levels will remain low the whole day and puts in a serious deficit that is difficult to catch up. Even if you have lunch and go to practice in the afternoon, you will be operating on a false assumption that your energy levels are sufficiently high to take part in strenuous physical activity. In fact your energy levels have actually been low all day long since early morning and it will take much more than a meal at lunch time to restore it.

4. Planning is Everything

Volleyball players have to pay close attention to their expected activities by looking at the day to see where calories are needed throughout the day. You have to make the time to eat before a practice session or game. If you eat before you play you will get more out of your game because you will have the energy stores that you need to perform well. You don’t want to turn up for a game and find that your energy bank is empty and try to dredge the energy from somewhere. You want to have access to high energy early on in the first part of your activity which means you have to have a good store of carbohydrates readily available in your bloodstream.

It is recommended to eat a light meal at least one hour before you play. Include foods high in carbohydrates such as a sandwich with peanut butter and jelly, a bagel with fruit, dry cereal or a trail mix, or yogurt and fruit. Planning means you need to know where you are going to be and have the snacks with you when they are needed.

5. Drink Pure Water Frequently

All athletes know that they should drink more water but make the mistake of waiting until they are thirsty. Include your water drinking into your planning schedule and drink at least 32 ounces before noon and 32 ounces before a practice session. Carry your water with you so that you always have access and drink before you get thirsty.

6. Eat After Play

Young woman eating a oatmeal after a workout

Eat a snack within a few minutes of coming off the playing field to take advantage of the fast rate of recovery the body undergoes within the first two hours after physical activity. It is important to eat a meal within an hour after play to supply the body with the necessary nutrients it needs to rebuild muscle cells and restore energy levels. This could be a protein-carbo shake, yoghurt and nuts, or a protein bar that is easy to prepare in advance and keep on hand.

7. Balance Protein and Carbohydrates

The right balance of protein and carbohydrates is essential. After a game your meal should contain 50% protein and 50% carbohydrates. You have to understand that your muscle cells have undergone microscopic damage during your intense workout and that some hormones like cortisol reach elevated levels during exercise. As soon as protein is consumed cortisol production is suppressed which helps to reduce muscle-cell damage and prevent soreness which is part of the recovery process.

The Top Six Necessities For Your List Of Volleyball Equipment

In recent years, volleyball has grown as a popular sport to such an extent that it is being played on an international level. While exciting, this does place more demand and responsibility on volleyball coaches and assistants. Not only do they need to improve the players’ overall performance, but they need to be more aware of the administrative and practical issues. This article will provide information on the top six necessities for your list of volleyball equipment.

1. The Volleyball Team Uniform

The first item that all volleyball players need is the team uniform. Individuals will not be able to play if they do not have a uniform indicating which team they are playing for. Of course, there are cases where uniforms can become damaged or stolen; therefore, it is recommended that you pack several uniforms as ‘fail safes’ to prepare for the unexpected.

2. Footwear

As part of the uniform, it is vital that one pack several pairs of socks and shoes. It may seem simple to remember, but forgetting volleyball shoes can easily happen to anyone. It is essential that you check, re-check, and re-check once again that the players all have their playing shoes with them to avoid having to use the backup options when travelling away from home. In some cases, people have played in shoes that are several sizes too small, and this can negatively affect their performance.

While the shoes need to be remembered, it is recommended that the volleyball shoe is made in a particular way. As this item is essential for the game, it is advised that the shoe is designed to protect and prepare the foot for side-to-side movements. Ideally, the show will have a gum rubber sole to offer maximum traction with thick front padding, so players do not experience leg pain as a result of jumping.

3. Knee Pads

While some people may not be too concerned with knee pads, these items are essential to prevent knee or leg injuries. Once again, the item design should be suited to the player taking their age and experience into account. For example, a novice athlete should pack thicker knee pads because they do not have experience jumping or diving; whereas, advanced players will be able to use thin knee pads to prevent any burns or bruises. It is recommended that several pads are packed to prepare for any unexpected damage during travel.

4. Ankle Braces

The most common injury any volleyball player can experience is a sprained ankle. To avoid this injury, it is crucial that players invest in ankle braces as they offer stability without affecting performance. There are different types of ankle braces, but the most effective is the lace-up braces guarding the front, back, and sides of the ankle. It is crucial that all the players have ankle braces that fit comfortably and are sturdy enough to protect them when playing.

5. A VolleyBall

Believe it or not, not all volleyballs are the same; therefore, it is vital that you list a solid ball as one of the equipment necessities. The ball is the most important items in the game, and good balls will reduce pain experienced by players when hitting it over the net or passing. If the game is played indoors, the best type of ball would be a leather ball. However, this is not the case if the game is being played outdoors because it may become damaged. Cloth balls are more beneficial for outdoor games as they will not hurt the players and are more durable.

Read this review of the top 5 beach volleyballs

6. A Duffle Bag

After obtaining the correct equipment, it is necessary to have a specific bag in which to store all the items. The bag needs to be easy to carry, but should also have several pockets or compartments. Duffle bags are ideal for this situation.

The Top Six Key Volleyball Fundamentals

As with the majority of sports, volleyball requires all players to gain some basic skills before they are able to excel at the sport. This article will provide the top six key volleyball fundamentals or core skills a person needs to become a competent volleyball player, and then potentially move onto expert status.

1. Passing The Ball

In its most simplistic form, passing the ball in a volleyball game is giving the ball to another player on your team after it has been hit over the net – also known as serving. This is considered the most significant fundamental in volleyball because a team cannot return the ball without a solid pass. While some people think passing the ball is a simple task, it is not and can be challenging for the novice player. This is because there are different types of passes, such as forearm passes and overhead passes, which need to be learned before one can play a competent game.

2. Spiking

One of the crowd-pleasing aspects of any volleyball game is spiking. A player spikes the ball when they slam the ball down across the volleyball net to the opposing team’s side of the volleyball court. Spiking is a difficult technique to learn and execute, but if performed correctly it can be beneficial as it is challenging to return. A good spike can easily accumulate points and can help a team win.

3. Digging

Now that we have covered the offensive fundamentals, we can look at the defensive fundamentals. Digging is one of the most significant defensive techniques in volleyball and it can save a team from spikes or attacks. Digging is typically used to defend a spike and the player will need to dive over the ball and pass it to a player in their team using a single fluid motion. Unlike typical passes, they will need to recover the ball as it heads in a downward trajectory. This is an ideal skill to have as it can stop an opposing team from accumulating points.

4. Blocking

Despite being one of the more expendable of the core skills, blocking can be a highly beneficial fundamental to any player’s artillery. Blocking involves jumping up and deflecting an opposing player’s pass before it crosses the volleyball net. This often takes the player by surprise and can provide your team with a point depending on how far across the net you reach. Blocking can add a good dimension to the volleyball game and will keep teams ‘on their toes’.

5. Serving

The most important fundamental is the initial movement of serving. How can a volleyball player use their skills if the ball is not served to begin the game? Serving, as with passing, is considered a simple task but it is complicated due to the different types of serves. The most commonly used serves include the overhand and underhand serves.

An overhand serve is a more advanced option involving tossing the ball up while pulling the dominant arm backwards, then swing. Do not follow through with the full serving movement before the hand connects with the ball, so you should feel as if you are punching the ball over the net.

The underhand serve is simpler and used in the majority of volleyball games. Holding the ball in your less dominant hand (if right-handed, this will be the left hand), make a fist with the other hand and connect with the underside of the ball to hit it over the volleyball net.

6. Setting

Setting is not a skill used by all players on a team, but a single position; however, all players should learn this fundamental as it is the most important position. The function of a setter is to make it easier for their teammates to hit the ball over the net, preferably using a spike. Setting involves getting the ball in the air ready to be spike by another player.

The Top Best Volleyball Sneaker Brands Guide

When you are looking to purchase volleyball sneakers, you will want to find the best volleyball sneaker brands to consider. Below, we will be discussing some of the top volleyball sneaker brands.

The Top Volleyball Sneaker Brands:

1. Quality.

The main concern should be about the quality of the sneakers. The quality of the sneakers is going to play a critical role in determining not only how much use you can get out of the sneakers, but also how well the sneakers are able to perform for your needs. The quality is the main concern that you are going to want to keep an eye on when you are looking to identify the right sneaker brands. Always try to find the highest quality sneakers when making your decision in order to find the best value for your money.

2. Reputation.

You will also want to look at the reputation of the sneaker brand in question. You want to find the volleyball sneaker brands that will offer you the best possible value for your money. Being able to look at what other customers are saying about the different brands available on the marketplace should give you a good idea on what you should be looking for when it comes to choosing the right sneaker.

3. Features.

Another thing that you should be concerned with when you are looking to find the right sneakers to purchase for volleyball would be the features included. For instance, you might be looking at certain types of padding, placement of padding, and support. These features can make a big difference in how effective the shoes are for your specific needs for playing volleyball. Thus, you will want to try to find the volleyball sneakers that have the right features in order to get the most value out of them. Being able to find the shoes that have all of the features that you would need from them is key.

4. Style.

Another thing that you are going to want to consider when you are looking to pick and choose the right sneakers would be the style that they offer. Obviously, you will want to find the shoes that have the best overall style if you are someone that is influenced by the style of the sneakers. Thus, you should be looking closely at the styles that each brand offers to try to pick and choose a brand that is going to allow you to wear some stylish shoes while you play volleyball.

5. Fit.

Another thing that you should be concerned with when you are looking to pick and choose the right shoes would be the fit that it offers. Some brands might be more catered to those that have long and narrow feet. Whereas, some shoes might offer much better fit for those that have wider feet. The only way to tell is by both looking at reviews of the different shoes available on the marketplace and by actually trying them on. By doing both, you should be able to find the right shoes to invest in.

Overall, there is much that you should be considering when it comes to finding the right shoes on the market. By finding the right shoes on the market for your specific needs, you will be able to get the most value out of them. Being able to find the best shoes with the most value is key to getting the most for your money and finding the right shoes for your volleyball needs. Always look at the reputation of the shoe manufacturer and brand when making your purchasing decision.